Magic and Catholicism
Filmmaker Name:
Hubert Smith, Neil Reichline
Film Length:
34 min
Film Year:
21-45 min
Bolivia series
Faces of Change collection
Secondary Creator:
produced by Norman Miller
Subtitle Language:
English subtitles
The people of the Bolivian highlands blend in thought and practice the traditional magic of the region and the religion of their conquerors. A fatal automobile accident, coincident with the festival of Santiago, provides occasion for unique expressions of both faith and magic in the effort to influence events.
Films in the Bolivia series
Faces of Change is comprised of 25 films that examine five cultures selected for their distinct geographic locations: starting with the China Coast at sea level and moving up to Taiwan, then to Afghanistan, Kenya and finally to the mountains of Bolivia. Each location is examined through five themes: Rural Society, Education, Rural Economy, Women, and Beliefs.
This innovative collection of 16mm films and videos was funded by the National Science Foundation, produced by Norman Miller and directed by some of the finest ethnographic filmmakers of its time.
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