The Sunrise Dance
Filmmaker Name:
Gianfranco Norelli
Film Length:
28 min
Film Year:
21-45 min
The Sunrise Ceremony documents an ancient, sacred ritual which marks the passage from adolescence to adulthood for young Apache women, now under the threat of disappearance due to the pressures of cultural assimilation.
The documentary focuses on the Sunrise Ceremony of 13-year-old Maureen Nachu, a member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe, who lives on the Fort Apache Reservation in Whiteriver, Arizona. Viewers see the elaborate preparations for the ceremony, including the rituals of the Medicine Man who presides over the dance, spiritual purification rites in the Sweat Lodge, and the midnight appearance of the Crown Dancers.
The Sunrise Dance itself is a tremendous physical test, lasting four days. It proves that Maureen has the courage and strength of character to take her place in adult society, as he dance is the strongest commitment a young Apache girl can make to her family and tradition. For Maureen, her family, and her community, the ceremony is a reaffirmation of tribal identity and a celebration of the central role of women in Apache culture.
Margaret Mead Festival, 1994
Festival dei Popoli, Florence, Italy, 1994
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