New Era
Filmmaker Name:
Zezinho Yube
Film Length:
52 min
Film Year:
46-75 min
Ashaninka Villages series
Video in the Villages collection
Residents of the Huni Kuin village of São Joaquim, on the river Jordão, collaborate in making a record their daily lives on video. New Era shows methods of fishing, cutting rubber trees, making hammocks and handcrafts, and religious observance. Augustinho, village shaman and patriarch, his wife and father-in-law, remember the fetters of the rubber plantations and talk about how things have changed. The Huni Kuin practice a mixture of white people's customs and their own; we see a soccer match against a white team, accompanied by much cheering and heckling, and trip to a town upriver includes buying items with a debit card. With their land demarcated, the Hunikui can once again teach their traditions to their children, but while Brazil is celebrating "Indian's day," the Indians themselves are keenly aware of what has been changed or lost in their culture as a result of contact with whites.
Disclaimer on Naming:Please be aware that this documentary may include outdated or potentially offensive language. Such terms are not endorsed by DER but are presented in their original context to promote awareness, education, and discussion. Learn more about DER’s efforts to use reparative language and honor the preferred names of Indigenous communities by clicking here.
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