A Curing Ceremony
Filmmaker Name:
John Marshall
Film Length:
9 min
Film Year:
0-20 min
!Kung series
black & white
Health and Medicine
Sha//ge, a very young woman about to have her first child, falls ill, probably with malaria. /Ti!kay, a relative and healer, enters a mild trance, without the stimulus of dancing, in an attempt to cure her. Sha//ge lives but the baby is stillborn. Part of the !Kung Series.
This film is available as part of the !Kung Short
Films set. This collection combines fourteen of Marshall's short
!Kung films onto two remastered/re-authored DVDs, complete with a
full-color booklet containing photos, writings, and additional
information about the series.
Orthography NoteThe group of people depicted in these films
are the Ju/'hoansi, speakers of the Ju/'hoan language. Ju/'hoan is part
of the !Kung language group; the term !Kung was previously used by the
Marshall family and others to refer to Ju/'hoansi. Although the term is
outdated, it has been retained here for the sake of consistency with
John Marshall's previously published work. The films and their related
printed materials also employ antiquated spellings of names and places.
For current Ju/'hoan orthography, please see the Ju/'hoan - English Dictionary, compiled by Patrick Dickens and the Ju/'hoan Peoples Literacy Committee.
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