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DER Documentary

Waaki (Sanctuary)

Waaki - Sanctuary (2019) MAIN

Waaki (Sanctuary)

Price: $320.00
Filmmaker Name: Victor Masayesva, Jr.
Film Length: 56 min
Film Year: 2019
Duration: 46-75 min
Decade: 2010s
Language: in Hopi, Tzeltal Maya, Nahuatl, English, Spanish
Subtitle Language: with English and Spanish subtitles
Color: color
Region: North America
Subject: Indigenous Studies
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Renowned Hopi filmmaker Victor Masayesva, Jr. explores the centrality of corn for the Hopi, Nahua, and Maya, tracing the role of corn from creation stories to today's struggles against climate change. The film presents complex interrelationships between humans, plants, food systems, animals, birds, ceremonies and the cycles of the earth, sun and moon within the universe from a Hopi, Maya, and Nahua perspective. By tracing the lineage and mysterious origins of corn, we gain a deeper understanding of the ancestry of communities that transcend borders.

Masayesva writes, "The idea of sanctuary in our time is colored by the politics of human immigration. As contemporary media consumers, we are saturated with threats and security measures originating from alerts about immigration into our neighborhood. Today state borders have restricted and closed the numerous routes blazed by migrants and only wild birds and animals move freely without visas but nonetheless restricted to wildlife refuges.

Humankind has been in constant movement since the emergence, intent on leaving an oppressive order, seeking a better life, seeking sanctuary. For our age, sanctuary cannot be only within familiar beliefs and borders but beyond in the hope we carry in our soul. Sanctuary is the best we can be at the moment, and in the future."

"Waaki presents Hopi knowledge with a self-assured visual sovereignty." 
– Dorothy Christian, Simon Fraser University
"The film is a fascinating blend of genres - part ethnographic, part documentary and part animation." 
– Vicky Westover, Hanson FilmTV Institute Director, U of Arizona

Selected Screenings
Native Crossroads Film Festival, 2020
ImagiNative, 2019
Cornell University


Waaki (Sanctuary)

Our gratitude to the Hopi, Maya, Nahua, Otomi communities for sharing their knowledge

Hopi Community
Abbie Talashoma, Story teller
Ross Macaya, Storyteller
Piivayouma, Lloyd Masayumptewa, 
Lyle Balenquah, Hopi Archaeologist
Victor Masayesva Sr. and family

Maya Community
Sra. Dona Maria Aguilar Demeza
Sr. Don Bartolo Estrada Jimenes

Children on stage
Carlos Daniel Estrada Rivera
Diana Lucero Rivera Estrada
Maria Natalia Estrada Rivera
Bartolo Eduardo Estrada Rivera

Field Worker
Sr. Don Eduardo Rivera Soria

Nahuatl Communities (Acatlan, Chiepetepec)
Sr. Niceforo Travieso
Sr.Delfino Calzada Néjapa
Sr. Luis Vázquez Herculano
Sr.Camilo Marcial Ayala
José Luis Matías, Ojo de Tigre Communicacion
Rosalba Díaz Vásquez

Otomi Communities (Tultepec, Florida, Veracruz)
Sr. Mindahi Bastida Munoz
Sra. Ermila Muñoz 
Sr. Lucas Bastida, 
Sr. Ralph  Bastida
Dr. Luis Pérez Lugo 
Niña: Deni Dashi Mérida Petronilo
Muchacho: Ramón Oliver Petronilo
Abuelo :Ángel Petronilo Bonilla
Señor: Juan Mérida Secundino
Mapuche: Geraldine Patrick

Executive Producer/Director
Victor Masayesva Jr.

Mariano Estrada Aguilar
Bachalon Tzeltal

José Luis Matías, Ojo de Tigre Comunicación

Associate Producer
Robert Warrior, University of Kansas
Jorge Garcia, University of New Mexico

Field Producer
John McKinn, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Victor Masayesva Jr.
Mariano Aquilar
Daniel Campos

Supervising Editor/Colorist
Brad Stoddard

Sound Design and Master Mix
Kathleen Edwards
Tor Kindon
Hear Kitty Studios

“Tekanatsyaslith” and “Kalunyaha Wi”  performed by Joanne Shenandoah. 
Courtesy of Silver Wave Records.

Sound Score
Richard Dancu Trifan

Vanessa Vance
Beatrice Norton
Amalia Cordova
Andrea Lopez
Eljean Joshvaema

Interviewees in order of appearance
Lyle Balenquah
Lloyd Masayumptewa
Gary Nabhan 
Dr. Francis E. Smiley, Professor of Anthropology  NAU     
Professor Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Northern Arizona University                            
Professor Jane Hill, University of Arizona                                         
Polly Schaafsma  Research Associate,  Museum of Indian Arts and Culture
Glenn Roberts, Anson Mills
Denise Costitch-CYMMT, Mexico 

Graphics Design & Illustrations
V. Masayesva Jr.
Carl Onsae
Marcial Ayala

Globe Animation
Courtesy of Chronicles Group

Translation Tseltal to Castilian
Mariano Estrada

Translation Castilian to English
Axel Kohler

Our heartful thanks to Friends of Corn
Linda Cordell
C. Elliott
Matt S. Gilbert
Joanna Hearne
John McKinn
Tona Osher
Godfrey Reggio
Jason Silverman
Melanie Walker (in memory of Todd Walker)
Phillip Tuwaletstiwa

This program is made possible with the generous support of non-profit groups
The Christiansen Foundation
Indigenous Media Foundation
Tewa Women United
Black Mesa Trust
Hanson Film TV Institute, University of Arizona
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology, Harvard University

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