Converging on a secluded island off the west coast of Canada, a group of Israeli, Palestinian, and Canadian teenagers participated in a unique peace and filmmaking camp. Organized by the Peace It Together Society, the three-week experience brought together bitter enemies from across the globe to the forests of British Columbia where they learned to live and co-create in harmony.
During their stay, they participated in dialogue sessions before being divided into small groups to collaborate on films about the Middle East conflict. Through the lens of a camera they created seven short films that reflected their lives, fears, and hopes.
This double-disc set contains these seven short films, as well as Peacing It Together, a 29-minute documentary which follows the students on their remarkable and inspiring journeys. Also included is an hour-and-a-half of additional footage, featuring workshops, discussions and additional interviews. An extensive teacher's guide is available for classroom use.
“Lights, Camera, Hope!”
— Reader's Digest
“30 teenagers, 7 short films, and 1 dream of peace.”
— Matt Hays, New York Times