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DER Documentary

Gods and Kings

Gods and Kings MAIN

Gods and Kings

Price: $320.00
Filmmaker Name: Robin Blotnick
Film Length: 87
Film Year: 2012
Duration: 76-90 min
Decade: 2010s
Secondary Creator: produced by Rachel Lears
Color: color
Sharing Discount has been applied


In the muddy market square of Momostenango, Guatemala, where shamans burn offerings in the shadow of the Catholic church, prehispanic gods dance beside horror movie monsters and dictators from the dark days of the Cold War. Unlike the folkloric performances long studied by anthropologists, this new dance won't show up on any postcard. In some villages, it's even been banned for frightening tourists. So how did these fiberglass masks of Xena: Warrior Princess come to be blessed in the smoke of Maya altars?

Presenting a striking case never before documented on film, Gods and Kings illuminates the way creations of mass-culture take on new meanings as they travel around the world. In a town where a Hollywood B-movie villain is a real evil spirit, stories can't be taken lightly and it always matters who's telling them.


Gods and Kings

Director & Editor
Robin Blotnick

Elyse Neiman
Rachel Lears

Elyse Neiman
Carl Wooley

Original Score
Ryan Blotnick

Anaïs Alexandra Tekerian

Written By 
Robin Blotnick
Rachel Lears

Associate Producers 
Josh Weiss
Rhonda Taube

Consulting Producer
Marisol Gonzalez

Sound Recordist 
Ryan Blotnick

Additional Camera
Gg Godard

Spanish Interpreter 
Josh Weiss

Maya-K’iche Interpreter 
Sebastían Giovanni Ajtún Tzun

Rose Winchell
Josh Weiss

Production Assistants 
Katja Gryle
Matthew Nienow
Samantha Roberts
Rebecca Schwartz
David Seiter
Nick Serrano
Online Editor | Postproducción De Imagen
Daniel Márquez

Assistant Editor 
Katie Hickman

Color Correction 
Daniel Márquez

Sound Design & Mix 
Roger Mason

Score Musicians
Ryan Blotnick
Will Jones

Spanish Translators 
Erickson Lantigua
Yanett Ramirez
Sandra Rozental

Maya-K’iche Translators
David Salvador
Julian Chanchavac

Music Supervisors 
Josh Weiss
Rachel Lears

Research Consultants 
Rhonda Taube
Maury Hutcheson
Garrett Cook
Sut Jhally
Marvin Cohodes

Special Thanks To 
La Alcaldía De Momostenango
Los Alcaldes Indígenas De Momostenango
Telma Aracely Ajanel
Santiaga Ajanel Y Gabina Ixcoy Baten
Luis Ajtún & Telma Tzun
Artisanas Momostecas
Comedor Aracely
Carlos Diox, Osman Torres Y La Banda Del Instituto Nuevo Amanecer
Maria Gonzalez Gomez
Miguel Angel Ignacio Y Familia
Antonio Ixcayau Y Familia
Jeff Lanuza
Don Marvin Y Otoño Hotel
Lesly Yessenia Pelicó Ajtun
Narciso Peruch
Alejandra Poroj
Angelina Portillo
Estela, Sabra Y Silvia Tzoc Perez
Leonor Espinoza Poroj
Melvin, Amanda Y Nephi Poroj Espinosa
Luiz Ricardo Ignacio Ventura
El Grupo De Disfraz Los Riscos
La Riquitosa Marimba Orquestra
Stereo Amistad 89.7
Antonio Tecpaz Y Sus Juegos Mecánicos
Maria Juliana Torres Alvarado
Mauricio Torres Xiloj
Cipriano Utuy Perez Y Familia
Tomas Xiloj
Ricardo S Zarate Ambrosio
Ricardo Zarate Guix
Cesár Zarate Y Café Vision.Net
Patricia Benabe
Patricia Boero
Andrew Bossie & Robina Khalid
Nishka Chandrasoma
Rob Christiansen
Tom Davis
Felix Endara & Arts Engine
Tatiana Garcia Altigracia
Jocelyn Jacobs
Cynthia Kane
Seth Kertzer
Sergio Miranda
Luke Meyer
Clarinda Morales
National Association Of Latino Independent Producers
Daniel Nazer
Katherine Pourshariati
Fernanda Rossi
Doug Saputo
Angelica Thornhill

Many Thanks To Our Families And Friends For Their Support
And To The 163 Backers On Kickstarter.Com, Especially
Jill Higgins & Joe Blotnick
Joan Higgins
Chris Higgins & Jen Burns
Karen & Jackson Lears
Jenny Backus
Susan & Rob Askew
T.M. Scruggs
Jason Alderman
Harold Alderman
Leif Arntzen
Gina Marie Fioravanti
Anna & Bob George
Cynthia Lee Higgins
Kim Kaplan & Cassidy Vare
Charlie & Sally Moravitz

Archival Footage & Photographs Courtesy Of
Garrett Cook
The Field Museum Of Natural History
Kermit Frazier
The Internet Archive
Journeyman Pictures
The National Archives
The Prelinger Archives
The Penn Museum

Footage Of Rios Montt Tv Broadcast Courtesy Of
Secuencias De La Emisión De Rios Montt Por Gentileza De
Skylight Pictures
From Their Film "When The Mountains Tremble"
De Su Documental”Cuando Las Montañas Tiemblan”


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