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DER Documentary

Bushman's Secret

Bushman's Secret MAIN

Bushman's Secret

Price: $320.00
Filmmaker Name: Rehad Desai, Richard Wicksteed
Film Length: 65 min
Film Year: 2006
Duration: 46-75 min
Decade: 2000s
Color: color
Region: Africa
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When South African filmmaker Rehad Desai travels to the Kalahari to investigate global interest in ancient Bushmen knowledge, he meets Jan van der Westhuizen, a fascinating Khomani San traditional healer. Jan's struggle to live close to nature is hampered by centuries of colonial exploitation of the San Bushmen and of their land. 

Unable to survive as they once did hunting and gathering, the Khomani now live in a state of poverty that threatens to see the last of this community forever. One plant could make all the difference. Hoodia, a cactus used by Bushmen for centuries, has caught the attention of a giant pharmaceutical company. It now stands to decide the fate of the Khomani San. 

Bushman's Secret features breathtaking footage of the Kalahari landscape, and exposes us to a world where modernity collides with ancient ways, at a time when each has, strangely, come to rely on the other.


Bushmen's Secret

Rehad Desai

Photography and Co-Director
Richard Wicksteed

Harmut Keiper
Rehad Desai
Anita Khanna
Zivia Desai Keiper

Catherine Meyburgh S.A.G.E.
Menno Boerema

Robin Harris

Sound Designer
Wilber Schubel

Sound Editor
Juli Vanderberg

Online Editor & Colorist
Yoav Dagan

Music Composer
Philip Miller

Anita Khanna

Additional Photography
Nicolaas Hofmeyer

Creative Consultants
Stef Snel
Guy Oliver

Narration Coach
Fiona Ramsay

Additional Editing
Video Vision

Assistant Editors
Nkanyiso Sodinda Ncube
Ravi Desai
Adam Patyk

Additional Camera
Francesco Biaginni
Phillip Vail
David Burton
Vincent Moloi

Additional Sound
Ian Arrow
Mogamat Arendse
Wayne Hammond
Nami Mhlongo

Production Assistants
Mohau Memeza
Nkanyiso Sodinda Ncube
Adam Duignan
Deon Noubitsen
Tszmkxao Fanie IUi

Promo Editor
Francesco Biaginni


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