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DER Documentary

Brownsville Black and White

Brownsville Black and White MAIN

Brownsville Black and White

Price: $320.00
Filmmaker Name: Richard Broadman, Laurann Black
Film Length: 83 min
Film Year: 2002
Duration: 76-90 min
Decade: 2000s
Color: color
Region: North America
Subject: Urban and Rural Studies
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This poignant and powerful documentary explores the complex history of interracial cooperation, urban change, and social conflict in Brownsville, a neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, from the 1930s to the 2000s. A case study of the tragedy of urban American race relations, the film recounts the transformation of Brownsville from a poor but racially harmonious area made up largely of Jews and blacks to a community made up almost entirely of people of color.

In the 1940s Brownsville was famous for its grass-roots integration. But it later achieved notoriety for one of the most divisive and bitter black-white confrontations in American history, the 1968 Ocean Hill Brownsville School War, in which the African-American (and Hispanic) community battled the predominantly white and Jewish Teachers Union.

Brownsville Black and White examines some of the most troubling and perplexing issues facing America and its cities and raises a multitude of discussable questions. The film will provoke reflection, analysis, and debate in a variety of courses in sociology and social issues, American history and American studies, African American studies, urban studies, race relations, cultural anthropology, Jewish Studies, and education.

"BROWNSVILLE, the last work of renowned populist filmmaker, Richard Broadman (1947-2000), features poignant personal testimony, painstakingly researched archival images and striking contemporary footage. The humane guiding spirit of its director makes it a rare treat." – Jewish Film Institute


Brownsville Black and White

Directed by 
Richard Broadman

Executive Producer
Laurann Lento Black

Richard Broadman

Co-Executive Producer
Mia Saunders

Associate Producer 
León Siminiani

Music by 
Frank Wilkins

Cinematography by 
Evans Brown
Nick Doob
Ted Reed

Film Editing by 
Richard Broadman

Sound Designer
Richard Broadman

Sound Mixer
Stephen Olech

Sound Designer
Ted Reed

Additional Editor
Noel Buckner

Historical Advisor
Jerald Podair

Research Director
Wendell Pritchett

Historical Advisor
Judith Smith

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