At the Autumn River Camp
Filmmaker Name:
Quentin Brown
Film Length:
59 min
Film Year:
46-75 min
Netsilik series
Secondary Creator:
ethnographic direction by Asen Balikci
Indigenous Studies
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At the Autumn River Camp
Part 1 (color, 26 min)
It is late autumn and the family travels through soft snow and builds karmaks, shelters with snow walls and a roof of skins, in the river valley. The geese are gone but some musk-ox are seen. The man makes a toy sleigh from the jawbones of a caribou and hitches it to a puppy. Next day the women gather stocks of moss for the lamp and the fire. The men fish through the ice with spears. The woman cooks fish while the men cache the surplus. Then the family eats in the karmak.
Part 2 (color, 33 min)
The men build an igloo and the household goods are moved in. They begin the complicated task of making a sleigh, using the skins from the tent, frozen fish, caribou antlers and sealskin thong. The woman works at a parka, using more caribou skin, and the children play. Now the sled is ready to load and soon the family is heading downriver to the coast.
About the Netsilik series
These films reveal the live reality of traditional Inuit life
before the European acculturation. The Netsilik of the Pelly Bay region
in the Canadian Arctic had long lived apart from other people and had
depended entirely on the land and their own ingenuity to sustain life
through the rigors of the Arctic year.
The filming was done during the summers of 1963 and 1964 and in the
late winter of 1965 under the ethnographic direction of Dr. Asen
Balikci of the University of Montréal, assisted by Guy Mary-Rousseliere,
O.M.I., both anthropologists of wide Arctic experience. Quentin Brown
was Producer-Director, and Kevin Smith the Executive Producer for the
series. A minimum of cultural reconstruction was required during the
filming; the Netsilik families readily agreed to live in the old way
once more and showed considerable aptitude in recalling and representing
the earlier ways of life.
Note on Term "Eskimo":The films in this series make use of the name "Eskimo." While once broadly applied, it is a perjorative term and considered offensive. While the inception of the word is a matter of debate, it is no longer used or applied in our film catalog. The context in which the term appears in this series is an acknowledged relic of a colonial past, presented in its original version. DER apologizes for any offense caused.
At the Autumn River Camp
Directed by
Quentin Brown
Produced by
Kevin Smith
Cinematography by
Richard Bergman
Film Editing by
Elvin Carini
Jack Hirschfeld
Sound Department
Jacques Drouin
Malca Gillson
Ken Pagé
Don Wellington
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