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DER Documentary

Another History (A Different Story)

Another History (A Different Story) MAIN

Another History (A Different Story)

Price: $295.00
Filmmaker Name: Vincent Carelli
Film Length: 17 min
Film Year: 2000
Duration: 0-20 min
Decade: 2000s
Color: color
Region: South America
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Was Brazil discovered or was it invaded? Indians describe the invasion and occupation of their land by the Portuguese. An alternative history primer for the state of Acre presents an Indigenous history divide it into four periods: the time of the hut, when Indians lived in health and peace; the time of running, when their land was invaded; the time of captivity, when they were used for forced labor on rubber plantations; and the time of reclaiming rights, in which they have regained some of their land and rights to education and healthcare. 

A Different Story re-assesses traditional ideas about colonial conquest and emphasizes the importance of history as a tool for taking control over cultural identity.

other films from the Indians in Brazil series:
Who Are They?
Our Languages
Have a Nice Trip, Ibantu!
When God Visits the Village
Our Territory
Children of the Land
From the Other Side of the Sky
Our Rights

Disclaimer on Naming:
Please be aware that this documentary may include outdated or potentially offensive language. Such terms are not endorsed by DER but are presented in their original context to promote awareness, education, and discussion. Learn more about DER’s efforts to use reparative language and honor the preferred names of Indigenous communities by clicking here.


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