In 2001, the Ashaninka community of the river Amonia adopted a new system for the sustainable management of the tracajá, a type of river turtle that had become scarce due to over-consumption of its eggs and meat by whites and Indians. Turtle eggs are carefully transplanted and supervised; after hatching and being counted, the baby turtles are moved to a protected pool to grow. Some animals are kept for meat, while others are released in order to replenish the population. Happy at their program's success, the Ashaninka in the video are committed to preserving their resources.
Other films from the Indigenous Video Makers series:
One Must Be Curious
Moyngo, The Dream of Maragareum
Wapté Mnhõnõ, The Xavante's Initiation
The Rainy Season
Wai'á Rini, The Power of the Dream
Dancing with a Dog
Kinja Iakaha, A Day in the Village
Nguné Elü, The Day the Moon Menstruated
Trainees for the Future
The Living Forest
From the Ikpeng Children to the World