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DER Documentary

A Man and His Wife Make a Hammock

Man and His Wife Weave a Hammock MAIN

A Man and His Wife Make a Hammock

Price: $545.00
Filmmaker Name: Timothy Asch, Napoleon Chagnon
Film Length: 12 min
Film Year: 1975
Duration: 0-20 min
Decade: 1970s
Series: Yanomamö series
Color: color
Region: South America
Subject: Arts
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A village headman, Moawa, weaves a cotton hammock while his wife swings in her own hammock, occasionally touching his leg in a loving gesture. She watches and teases him while playing with their baby. 

A Man and His Wife Make a Hammock was restored by DER with funding from the National Film Preservation Foundation.

This film is included on the Yanomamö Shorts compilation DVD. This two-disc set includes the following remastered titles on Disc One: Arrow Game, Children's Magical Death, Climbing the Peach Palm, A Father Washes His Children, A Man and His Wife Make a Hammock and Weeding the Garden. Also included on Disc One: Firewood, Tapir Distribution and Tug-of-WarDisc Two includes: Dedeheiwä Rests in His Garden, Children Roasting Meat, A Woman Spins, Children Make a Toy Hammock, Sand Play, Playing in the Rain, Mouth Wrestling, and Young Shaman.


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