A Sigh and a Wish
Secondary Title:
: Helen Creighton's Maritimes
Filmmaker Name:
Donna Davies
Film Length:
73 min
Film Year:
46-75 min
North America
Music, Dance & Theater
Renowned folklorist Helen Creighton single-handedly compiled North America's largest collection of folklore and music, much of which would have disappeared forever if not for her tenacity, collecting stories and songs from the Gaelic singers of Cape Breton, French Acadians, the Mi'kmaw, and the Black communities of Nova Scotia. Her name became a household word throughout the fishing villages, towns, and farms, Ironically, in collecting legends, Creighton became one herself.
An excellent resource for classes in anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics and folklore.
A Sigh and a Wish: Helen Creighton's Maritimes
Directed by
Donna Davies
Writing Credits
Donna Davies
Odile Boyd
Clarity Croft
Teresa Doyle
Lennie Gallant
Mary Jane Lamond
Ashley MacIsaac
Rod C. MacNeil
Catherine Martin
Raylene Rankin
Pete Seeger
Produced By
Sally Bochner
Patricia Coughran
Kent Martin
Music by
Mary Jane Lamond
Cinematography by
Kent Nason
Film Editing by
Kimberlee McTaggart
Sound Department
Art Mackay
Jane Porter
Alex Salter
Camera and Electrical Department
Kyle Cameron
Dominique Gusset
Kevin MacNeil
Robert Zimmerman
Editorial Department
June Bourque
Sylvain Desbiens
Doug Porter
Music Department
David Hillier
Arthur McKay
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